Beautifully designed thank you cards

We all know that first impressions count - and that it is why it's so important that your thank you cards look beautiful and professional. iThank.UK uses designs that get applied across your entire event, so that every item that is sent (including the all-important thank you cards) are eye catching and professional with a consistently beautiful design.

You can choose to use our curated designs - or create your own, it's up to you! You are able to upload your own images or use our inbuilt AI engine to create imagery that matches the design of your event perfectly. Fonts, colours, backgrounds and shapes can all be customised to achieve the look and feel, so that your thank you cards fully align with your event's design.

Screenshot of editing designs in iThank.UK

Click on the image for a large version

Example thank you card produced by iThank.UK

Click on the image for a large version

Are thank you cards really so important?

Life is busy and fast-paced. People have become accustomed to short messages to say thank you - even when the original gift took extensive time and thought. That's why a beautifully designed thank you card (printed or digital) is as relevant and important as ever. Sending a thank you card goes beyond politeness; it shows appreciation and recognises the effort and thought that the other person has applied. Whether for a gift, a favour, or someone's time and effort, thank you cards are essential for showing genuine gratitude.

Thank you cards show thoughtfulness and effort. In a world of quick texts and emails, taking the time to personalise and send a card shows you value the person and their gesture. This small act of kindness can make someone feel appreciated and acknowledged, fostering strong relationships. It's a tangible way to show that you truly value their actions.